Vita Hair multivitamins - 60 tablets

What are Vita Hair Multivitamins? What are their benefits?

Most people lose anywhere from 50 to 100 strands of hair each day, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. On the days when hair is washed, people can lose up to 250 strands.

B vitamins
B vitamins reduce the stress that can cause hair loss. The best way to take B vitamins is in a complex where all of the B vitamins are combined.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C aids in improving scalp circulation. It is important to maintain capillaries that carry blood to the follicles.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E increases oxygen uptake, which improves circulation to the scalp. It improves health and growth of hair. Since hair health is tied to the immune health, vitamin E is believed to stimulate hair growth by enhancing the immune function.

Lecithin is important to healthy hair growth. It also helps to break down fats, is essential to cell membranes, improves brain function and keeps cells from oxidating. Two of the main nutrients in lecithin are choline and insotil, which are part of the B complex vitamins. Choline and insitol are both important for healthy hair growth.

Calcium and Hair Growth   
Calcium is important for hair growth because the hair follicles use it to produce keratinized protein. Keratins are the strong, insoluble proteins that make up hair and nails. Keratin keeps hair shiny, healthy and strong. If the dead cell layers of the hair are kept healthy, they will help to protect the new keratin underneath.


National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicines (NCCAM)

National Institute of Health (NIH)

CDC; Medline Plus; Wikipedia

Please Note!:

  • The above statements are solely for the purpose of providing extra information about this product and in no way should be considered as medical advice.

  • You should not decide to consume this supplement based solely on what you have read here and customers who fail to seek counsel from appropriate health professionals assume risk of any potential ill effects.

  • These statements or this product  have not  been evaluated by The Food And Drug Administration (FDA) and are NOT intended to analyze, diagnose, heal, cure, treat or prevent any disease.

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